Saturday, July 31, 2010


1 Nephi 16:18-22
It is interesting to see how Nephi deals with things not going his way. It does not say if he got discouraged. We know the others did, including his father. I imagine v. 19 is describing Nephi also, he was fatigued and hungry. But, he kept moving forward, working to get more food. He made a bow and an arrow. Maybe he only had strength to make one arrow, but he did it with faith and went to his father and priesthood leader for guidance.

I look at my own life. Sometimes I do not remember to just keep going forward doing the best I can. Sometimes I do. Either way, murmuring or working, things work out. Why not keep the faith and be positive and seek the Lord's mercy as Nephi did?! I can look back on my life and see that the Lord has always delivered me...even when it seemed there was no way out of the predicament. Things just work out through the Lord. I am grateful for this wonderful blessing.

1 comment:

  1. We all have these times when it is hard to keep going, hard to continue doing the day to day and deal with disappointment or physical problems, or misunderstandings from others about what is going on with us. The Lord knows us and is always there, but sometimes we need to learn and emotions bring learning and bring us to interact with Father and solidify our understandings about life and being kind and loving, even to ourselves.
