Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Lord's Timing

1 Nephi 18:21
It is interesting to me that Nephi prays to the Lord after he was loosed from the bands. From the context of the verse, it appears he prayed for the winds and storm to cease. He did not pray for it to cease when they all felt they were about to be swallowed up in the depths of the sea (1 Nephi 18:13-15, 21) but after they loosed him. I believe Nephi had spiritual sight and sense enough to see the judgments of God. Sometimes we are in tough predicaments with groups of people; families, businesses, communities, and countries. We ought to step back and look at those things that are passing upon us through the eternal lenses of Heavenly Father. His perspective is eternal welfare (Moses 1:39). We have a lot of economic problems as a country and as a world economy. It is fitting and proper…for much of these problems come from natural consequences. People are starting to kneel down and look up to heaven. I know it has helped me seek the Lord too.

It is interesting that in verse 22 that Nephi starts to guide the ship. The wicked stepped down and allowed a spiritually guided individual to take the reigns. Our country has done this with some recent elections. Hopefully they are turning to spiritually lead individuals and not just someone from a different party. Recent problems have been a great blessing to our political process.

We are in dangerous straits right now. California voted yes on Proposition 8 last year but now it has been overturned. Proposition 8 was a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as between man and woman. It is likely this case will go to the Supreme Court. I believe we have a liberal majority right now which could threaten our religious freedom more than it has already. Our temples may be in jeopardy of performing their proper functions. It is truly the days foreseen by the prophets.

God is aware and will continually allow men to exercise agency, but we know that after our testimony will come the testimony of earthquakes, thundering, lightning, tempests, and waves heaving themselves beyond their bounds (D&C 88:89-90). Through the voice of these things, which shows the importance of voicing our testimonies through all we say and do that the people will be left with no excuse as the voice of these other things continues to come forward.

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