Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thoughts on Mary and Joseph

The past several years my thoughts during the Christmas season have turned to Mary and Joseph and how they put their trust in the Lord. 

Mary, we are told in scripture, was blessed among women. Possibly the best woman to ever walk this earth. She was expected to teach and raise the Son of God in righteousness. She was pure and virtuous. She must have been absolutely firm and unwavering in her ability to keep her eyes and heart on the mission Father and Mother had given her. I say this because for being so pure, holy and virtuous, I can imagine what the observers were saying about her. She was espoused to Joseph and yet great with child. Logic would lead others to make false judgments and cry fornication. It would be easy for others to prove that indeed she appeared to be holy but they knew better. She had to bear the shame that others would seek to heap upon her and yet feel charity for her accusers. She had to pray that Joseph would still be willing to take her as his wife and care for her, even though he’d be perfectly justified under the law to put her away, leaving her poor and destitute to care for this new baby alone. I believe she must have wrestled but overcome these emotions and the pressure that must have built upon her shoulders and heart and mind. I believe she did it with a focus upon Father and a resolve to be faithful no matter what pressures she felt from all around her. 

Joseph was amazing too. He trusted the vision he received from the angel telling him to not fear taking Mary to wife. He must have looked like a fool to others. They could easily justify their judgments upon him, as well. It would be easy to make a case that he put too much stock in his dreams and visions and he was a fool, deceived by the evil one. 

It makes sense to me that Mary and Joseph would have to know what it feels like to be despised and rejected of men. How it feels to have deep sorrow and be acquainted with grief. To have others look at you and esteem you stricken, smitten and afflicted by God (see isaiah 55:3-5). I’m sure going through the ridicule and scorn of the events around the birth and after the birth of the Savior prepared them to train Jesus in how to handle the persecutions that would come His way as He fulfilled His mission, to suffer that we might live. I believe Mary and Joseph had to go through their own portion of these things that they might teach the Son of God by precept and example.  

Both of them had to have the evil one bombarding them with thoughts of inadequacy and self doubt. Possibly thoughts of wondering if the Lord would deliver them. Ultimately they heeded not these bombardments of temptation. They feared not and they overcame through the blood of the Lamb, the blood of the Son that Mary carried in her whom. When that holy Baby came, He would gush out with blood around Him. The same symbol of His blood giving life. Each time a baby is born we are reminded that blood sacrifice from the mother gives life to the child. Each time a baby is born we are reminded that the blood of Jesus, sweet Jesus, is the reason we will have life. 

I’m grateful for the examples of Mary and Joseph. My prayer is that I may be faithful to God in my small ways that are required of me. I know that peace and love follow the path of faithfulness. I’m grateful they remained true to God, no matter what the world around them would say of them, even throughout their lives. They truly descended that they might ascend through Jesus Christ. 

Oh Holy Night. Have a wonderful Christmas season!

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