Friday, January 22, 2021

Post by Anonymous Bishop

 This is so well written I wanted to cut and paste it here for you to read. He expresses many of my feelings as I follow the Lord’s instruction that, “by their fruits ye shall know them.”

Wars and Rumors of Wars

There are three likely reasons I can think of for why 30,000 troops are currently in the nation’s Capitol.

1) To deter Trump from invoking the Insurrection Act and declaring Martial Law.

2) Trump will be invoking the above and the Troops are for him to do so.

3) Our nation is preparing to be attacked by China.

One thing is certain—30,000 troops in DC is unprecedented and I can assure you it’s not to protect Inauguration participants from wild Trump supporters.  They won’t be there.

Some predict that Civil War is coming soon and that States will at some point attempt secession, which is not likely to be welcomed by a Leftist Federal Government, assuming Biden takes office.

Any of this would have sounded crazy just a year or even 8 weeks ago.  But, as we sit here on Sunday January 17, 2021, we are literally less than 3 days away from knowing the fate of our nation.

Will we be at war with some foreign nation?  Will a corrupt man be placed in office, who any honest or discerning person KNOWS did not win in a fair election?  If so, our nation has ended.  Or will Trump and others have the courage to stand up against this coup and do what the Constitution requires of him?  He needs our prayers right now.  Our nation needs our prayers.

I’ve been discouraged lately about the LDS Church’s focus and messaging.  They’ve taken this “pandemic” very seriously, for example, which I’m sorry, but I do not.  Is it deadly?  Sure, for people with co-morbidities, it has proven to be.  How many have died FROM CoVid we may never know, but some have reported that the number is that somewhere between 6 and 16% of the deaths being reported are legitimate CoVid deaths.  My family and I and millions of others have been sick with CoVid and have survived.  Even generous numbers show that 99.97% of all people who get the illness, recover.

And so my question to the Church, and to anyone of sound mind is:  Is shutting down the world, relinquishing freedoms we will NOT get back, normalizing the wearing of masks, social distancing, and quarantines, while forcing companies out of business, destroying lives, normalizing the dehumanization of society… IS THIS the right way to respond to a flu?  I expected and hoped for more vision and leadership from the Church on this issue.

Instead, they have placed themselves at the forefront of wokeness, and are calling upon members to wear the mask and obey the “science” as a sign of “Christlike love” and global obedience.

Our nation is literally being taken over by Communists, this fake pandemic is a part of their plan, and we as members of the Church are being told to be good citizens by wearing the mask, recommending getting an untested vaccine, and by doing what we’re told to do.

During the bloody destructive racist protests of this year from BLM and Antifa, started by the false flag of George Floyd’s death, what was the Church’s response for that event?  It was “We condemn racism!”  And Mitt Romney walking with BLM in parades (not social distancing) while the rest of us are still under lockdown.  Then there was the talk from President Oaks about “Black Lives Matter being an eternal principle.”  Where was the outrage against BLM and Antifa for the violence?  Sure, it was casually alluded to, but their messaging was clear.  They wanted the world to know they were on the Woke Team.

But today the Church is REALLY wanting to make sure that everyone knows that they NOW DO condemn violence.  Not the violence caused by the gay transgender BLM movement which was understandable because of the racist killing of George Floyd, and not the violence of a black Capitol police officer against an unarmed white woman who supported Trump, but rather the violence at the Capitol that was being falsely blamed on Trump supporters, where police tear gassed families and old people who were not burning or breaking anything but who were picking up trash and singing Christian songs.  So it’s the violence that might have been committed by Trump supporters and was supposed to be committed by them that the Brethren are worried about?

“We will not participate in the violence threatened by those disappointed with the outcome,” said President Oaks.  The First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles “condemn violence and lawless behavior, including the recent violence in Washington D.C. and any suggestion of further violence.”

Should this be their message right now?  It’s surely the common woke PR theme now as conservatives all over the world are being cancelled.  Marriott for example just announced it would never again give financial support to the Congressmen who voted against the electoral results from the 6 or 7 states that, by the way, submitted two opposing slates of electors.  Most companies have done the same.  Some are now calling for the removal of Senators Hawley and Cruz or even for their prosecution.  This, just after a one day impeachment proceeding, where zero credible evidence was relied upon to AGAIN impeach a president for having done nothing wrong.

Old ladies are being ripped off planes because they said the name Trump.  People are now on the terrorist no fly list because they dared chant USA and traitor to Mitt Romney on a flight.  Banks and Credit Card companies and phone companies are tracking and punishing their customers if they were in DC on January 6th.  Parler shut down.  100s of thousands of conservative Twitter accounts purged while people who have F bombed and threatened the lives of conservatives including hostile terror regimes are kept online.  Liberals like Maxine Waters have told democrats to “Get up in their face in the restaurant!”  Facebook, the company the LDS Church has 1 billion dollars of stock in, literally helped steal this last election.

I would have hoped that the Church would have sent out a message regarding the importance of election integrity, the importance of due process, of honoring the Office of our President, the value and importance of standing up against tyranny, the importance of not giving up our freedoms out of fear, the importance of free speech and not banning or canceling the speech of those you disagree with…  The list could go on and on.  Why hasn’t the Church been speaking out in defense of our freedoms?  Why won’t the Church condemn the Left, and yet is so quick to condemn the Right?  All while saying it remains politically neutral.

Is the Church out of touch with reality?

This week the Church came out with a new publication called Deseret Magazine.  Its first cover highlights what seems to be their current thinking.

And who do they turn to to lecture us on how to fix America in this first issue?  Mitt Romney, Jeff Flake, Cindy McCain, and Ben Sasse.  To me, this represents a very dire incorrect world view, if they believe that anyone in America thinks these people can provide us with AN OUNCE of healing wisdom.  These fools are the problem in our political system.  They represent everything many of us have come to hate: hypocrisy, duplicity, treachery, dishonesty, cowardice, and self-righteousness.  Is that what the Church wants to lead with in helping heal the nation?

Meanwhile the Church seems intent on doubling down on what it believes is most important right now.  Not election integrity or the importance of America surviving a communist coup, but rather how can we better love the LGBTQ community.  Deseret Book was leading with this advertisement just this week in its mass emails.  (Keep in mind that the Church’s website is devoid of anything relating to the current political situation except reference to its statement on condemning Trump supporters)

Forget how sacrilegious it is to mock God’s covenant rainbow and forget how insincere and foolish it is to pander and stereotype and tacitly encourage perversions…  forget all that for a moment and let’s just focus on the timing here.  We are literally 3 days away from potentially losing our NATION and the Church thinks it needs to do more to make LGBTQ people feel more  at home.

Was the Church of Jesus Christ of Sodom-day Saints promoting how to better love their gay neighbors when God sent fire from heaven down to destroy them?  Was that their focus then?  Meanwhile the gay neighbors were trying to have sex with the angels sent to Lot’s house causing Lot to offer his virgin daughters up to them to satisfy their insatiable, societally-accepted normalized sexual appetites.

Of course we’re supposed to LOVE everyone, but that does not mean we pander to them.  I love liberals and have many gay and liberal friends.  But, I will not pretend like I don’t think THEY and their ideologies are not largely responsible for the current loss of our nation which if and when it actually happens will lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.  For God will NOT be mocked!  Their complicity in abortion alone is sufficient condemnation for our nation’s destruction. This is not to say that there is not ample wickedness on all sides to invoke the wrath of God, but Sodomy is named after Sodom for a reason.

Other messages from the Church at this time of world crisis are:


And let’s not forget the courageous story about Cosmo the Cougar coming out as gay…  that too can be found being showcased at a Deseret Book near you.

Is this true leadership at a time when we need it most?  Does this demonstrate seership or even discernment?  What would Captain Moroni say at this time, if he were here with us?  What would President Benson say?  I thought we were supposed to stand for what is right and let the consequences follow?  Is Communism no longer a threat?  Was he wrong?  Was President Benson old-fashioned?  Would he be happy with our new LGBTQ focus?  If not, then was he a false prophet?  What does the Church believe about free speech?  Censorship?  The right to bear arms?  Illegal immigration?  The rule of law?  American greatness?  The Constitution?

The Church I was raised in fought against the gay agenda.  It was actively involved in politics against gay marriage and abortion.  The president I revered the most spoke out about the imminent threat of Communism and warned us they were trying to infiltrate every aspect of our society by pushing God out of our schools and by taking over the education of our children among many other things.  Again, I ask WHERE IS THE LEADERSHIP TODAY?  We need it!  WHERE IS COURAGE?  WHERE IS PROPHECY?  Where do we turn and where will we go IF and WHEN our beloved America is no more?

…Where is Zion?

I weep for the current state we find ourselves in.  I had hoped that wickedness would not prevail in this current coup.  It’s not just a president that is having his office stolen from him.  It’s a nation having its freedoms and its Constitution taken.

If the Troops turn out to be there for Trump, then we will be facing very tough times ahead.

If the Troops are there for the Leftists, we will be in for even worse times than we can possibly imagine.

If we are going to be attacked by a foreign adversary at this time of transition, then God help us all.

These are sobering times.  Like you, I’ve been in mourning and pleading with God to save our nation.  We now see what they will do when they get full power.  Perhaps the most disappointing thing for me has been the acknowledgment that nearly ALL institutions are failing us.

As I was looking for answers this week I opened the scriptures and noticed a verse in Nephi that had been highlighted.

And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth, and she sat upon many waters, and she had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people. And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters. Nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw. And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together in multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God. And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth. And they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory. And it came to pass that I beheld that the wrath of God was poured out upon that great and abominable church, insomuch that there were wars and rumors of wars among all the nations and kindreds of the earth. And as there began to be wars and rumors of wars among all the nations which belonged to the mother of abominations, the angel spake unto me, saying, Behold, the wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots, and behold, thou seest all these things. And when the day cometh that the wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots — which is the great and abominable church of all the earth, whose foundation is the Devil — then at that day the work of the Father shall commence in preparing the way for the fulfilling of his covenants which he hath made to his people who are of the house of Israel.

What is the whore of all the earth?  Is it ANY and EVERY institution that has been corrupted by money, fame, fortune, power, etc?  How many of these institutions “depend upon” China for example?  Or upon Government?  Are controlled by the media or Big Tech?  Are addicted to power and wealth?  Sex?  Have been brainwashed by public education?  Fear being canceled, sued, deplatformed?  Walmart, last I checked, was a patriotic company.  But, today they are beholden to the Whore and have shown that their business model is more important than their nation.  What members of Congress surprised you recently because of their ties to the Whore?  How many have caved to the pressure?  Their funding, their offices, the safety of their loved ones… all is at risk if they do not pledge allegiance to the Great Whore.  Its dominion is over the whole earth.  And now She, who is the Mother of Abominations (sexual perversion, abortion, murder, lying, stealing, etc.) is gathering together among all the nations of the Gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.  Who are they fighting and what are they fighting against?  THEY may not even know exactly WHY they are doing what they are.  Satan and his allies know that their kingdom is about to be toppled.  And there’s ONLY one people it is concerned with.  The people who have a covenant from God who are scattered upon all the face of the earth.  For all we know the number of people scattered is 8.  Or 800.  None of that matters.  This small group with a Covenant from almighty God threatens the adversary’s rule, reign, power, and existence.  When God lifts up the small Ark of the Covenant people, Satan’s kingdom, now amassing and consolidating, and that currently has dominion over the whole earth, will fall.  And great shall be the fall thereof and MANY there will be who are swept off.

The Book of Mormon warns us of what we now see happening.  Sadly, even the LDS Church seems to be acting like Walmart.  Just doing what it needs to in order to survive.  It fears the loss of its 501c3 and the destruction of its property.  It fears offending the 20% or so within the Church who are now liberals.  It fears offending future progressives in nations around the world it hopes to convert.  I was told this last week that a handful of the Brethren (Top 15) are liberal and would support Biden and Romney and that most did not like Trump.  This was from someone who would know.  I feel sorry for them if this is the case and I predict that many will lose faith in the Church as a result.

To put it into perspective the Church is aligning with:

  • Hollywood, including Lady Gaga. In fact, if Biden wins, the Tabernacle Choir will be singing at the same event as Lady Gaga who was recently seen in a disgusting picture drinking the blood of children.
  • Big Tech
  • Big Business
  • Communist China
  • The NBA, including Lebron James
  • Professional Sports
  • MItt Romney and Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Lightfoot, and Governor Cuomo, and Gavin Newsome and Chuck Schumer and ALL the liberals who are so corrupt you can’t put it into words.  Hillary, Bill, Bill Gates, Obama…
  • Big Pharma

The Church is aligning with the World.  Babylon.  The Whore.

This is the team the Church is on by calling Joe Biden and congratulating him while the election was and IS being contested.  This is the team the Church chooses when it makes woke statements timed with the events of riots, and plandemics, and false flag operations…  This is the team the Church chooses when they PROMOTE LGBTQ rights.  And when they set up a website for LDS Transgenders.  And when they negotiate with murderous communist China to try to get a Temple in their country.  The Church IS choosing THIS team.  You can decide if that offends what you believe or not.  But don’t tell me it isn’t a shift in direction for them.

The Church should look at the Republican Party’s base and realize this truth — WE WILL NEVER TRUST THEM AGAIN!  I for one, will never vote again, let alone vote for a Republican.  We see them now for what they are and conclude that they are just all talk.  Sounding brass and tinkling symbols.  The Church may face the same reality here soon if they do not change course.  And thanks to them and every other cowardly institution, afraid of being cancelled, we may very well lose our nation this week.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

My Witness and Clarification of My Path the Past Few Years

 I feel compelled to share the truth of what has happened to me and my witness. You know I am weak but you also know I strive to follow the Lord, Jesus Christ. I am a sinful man. I am proud and impatient and not always as charitable as I want to be nor as God would have me be.  In revealing this, I’m not saying I’m a worldly, lustful or carnal man. I’m striving to repent of the things that keep me back from the fullness of His glory. I honestly seek the Lord and will not rest until I am with Him again. 

I share this witness below because I love Him more than I love the praise of the world. I also love you and know if you are sincere in heart, have real intent and faith in Christ, He will manifest the truth unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. By the power of the Holy Ghost we can know the truth of all things. We can all know all things for ourselves, as fast as we are able to bear them. We can ask and then receive from God, the giver of all good gifts. 

My witness and testimony is that the scriptures are true. Joseph Smith did in reality speak with and see the Lord, Jesus Christ, and he had a personal relationship with him as did the prophets throughout the scriptures. Because of their witnesses and revelations, we know that we too must ascend unto the Lord and see Him and communicate with Him. I have seen the Lord. I have seen His face and I know that He lives. I have received the promised blessing as outlined by the Lord in Doctrine and Covenants 93:1; 38:8; 67:10-12; 88:68; 130:3; John 14:18, 21-23; and elsewhere.

I share this witness because the earth will be cleansed and He will come again. If we are not made ready to receive Him through our faith unto repentance and Jesus’ atoning blood and offering, we will not abide the day of His coming. I also share this because you need to know that you can share your witness too. It is scriptural. Joseph Smith sharing his witness is a simple witness of this truth. The other reason is you can have this same knowledge too, as promised in Alma 32. This doctrine has been covered and almost lost since Joseph taught it so openly from the days of the restoration (see the scriptures I noted in the preceding paragraph). The whole purpose of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to follow the Lord through repentance until we eventually enter His presence and then eventually become as He is. If we don’t believe we can come into His presence through repentance, then we are correct, we won’t. It starts with belief. 

Part of what the Lord requires is to labor to bring about Zion by revealing all the hidden things of darkness. Zion will consist of those that are of one heart and one mind and dwell in righteousness with no poor among them. This can’t happen without a unity of faith and understanding of who Jesus Christ is and what His truth is. We have to expose the darkness, cast it out and then embrace and live the truth. 

I have shared some of these things He has shown me in scripture and for this reason church leadership has restricted my membership. At the time they restricted my membership I was still living in Middleton. The issues leadership had with me were my postings and conversations about plural marriage as a false doctrine and the proper role of a prophet that I had found and shared from the Joseph Smith Papers, Saints and the scriptures, all endorsed by the church. 

A restricted membership used to be called disfellowshipment but the restrictions are the same. I am not allowed to participate in church services by partaking the sacrament, praying, speaking or having a calling. They have also said I can’t give priesthood blessings or participate in church ordinances. The reason they believe I am not worthy to do these things is because they say I’m apostate. I do not take these accusations lightly. For this reason I have searched the word of God thoroughly, fasted, prayed and wrestled with the Lord for many days and into years before sharing them.

I’ll share below what I have shared that has led the leadership to restrict my membership for apostasy. 

We know that in the last days before the Lord’s return, that the truth of men’s secret acts will be revealed. They will be shouted from the housetops. We are seeing this fulfilled. Wickedness will continue to be brought to light. The Lord reveals the darkness so that men and women can clearly discern between good and evil and be held accountable for what they choose to believe, live and love. Those that love the lies will not be able to reside on this earth as it goes from a telestial order to a terrestrial and then celestial order.  

The Lord taught us that by their fruits ye shall know them. He was sharing how to detect false prophets. I have been sharing the word of the Lord written by prophets in scripture. The prophets teach what the Lord taught them. As we receive the words of truth, we can discard any false traditions, false beliefs and walk in the true light of truth. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. 

The prophets we read from in scripture were very open about the revelations they received. They were open and honest in sharing that the Lord had visited them and given them the words to write and share with the people. Why? Because the Lord desires to communicate with His people. When He has someone that can hear or receive Him, He will use that vessel to communicate with His children until those other children are willing to climb the mount to commune with Him as well. As He taught Moses, He desires that all His children were prophets (see Numbers 11:29).

I have taken my questions to the Lord and He answered many of them. I’m not ready for all the answers but I am accountable to share what truths He has shown me that can be found in scripture.  

The Lord showed me in scripture that He never justified polygamy, spiritual wifery or plural marriage, but rather that He condemned it. He showed me how He has multiple witnesses in the Book of Mormon and the Bible that show it is not of Him and against His commandments. I have written extensively about it on my blog. If you want to research the truth about plural marriage, spiritual wifery and polygamy, this may be a good start:


Brigham Young taught at least 5 things that are contrary to the word of God: plural marriage and polygamy, blacks not worthy of the priesthood, the blood atonement, top-down leadership and making oaths by swearing by your throat. The church has either quit teaching or practicing 4 of these things but they continue in the top-down leadership model Brigham practiced that replaced the model laid out by the Lord in Doctrine and Covenants 107. 

The simple, pure doctrines of Christ are contrary to these things Brigham taught. In fact, Joseph Smith never taught them. He never taught or practiced polygamy or plural marriage. He ordained Elijah Abel, a black man, to the priesthood. I share more extensively how these teachings from Brigham go against the word of God in these blog posts. If you want to research this, this may help you get started: and


These truths led me to understand a much greater truth and key to not being deceived in the latter days. God expects us to put our faith and trust in Him and Him alone. If we follow man, we will be led astray. I have shared scriptures and quotes by Joseph Smith that the church no longer agrees with. Joseph taught that our minds become darkened if we rely too much on prophets and they can lead us astray, whereas the current church’s teachings indicate the living prophet of the church will never lead the people astray. These posts may be helpful as you start to study this out for yourself: and and

and these great quotes by Joseph Smith: and

Joseph Smith taught, "If any man preaches to you, doctrines contrary to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Book of Doctrine & Covenants, set him down as an imposter... Try them by the principles contained in the acknowledged word of God; if they preach, or teach, or practice contrary to that, disfellowship them; cut them off from among you as useless and dangerous branches" (Joseph Smith, Times & Seasons, 5:490-491, April, 1, 1844).

Jesus warned His apostles that in the last days many false prophets would rise up. He told us the way to detect them is by their fruits. He said beware of wolves in sheeps’ clothing. He also said that whosoever treasureth up His word should not be deceived (see JS—Matthew or JST Matthew 24). 

It is now recorded in the book of life that I taught the words of the Lord, Joseph Smith Jr. and the scriptures and I have been falsely accused for it. God is my witness and my judge. No man cometh unto the Father but by Jesus Christ. 

I add my witness and invitation to the many others that have been given. Come unto Jesus and be perfected in Him. His way is the road that leads to peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come. Those that cannot see clearly what Jesus taught in 3 Nephi 27, that the church is only His if built upon His gospel, will try and persuade you or even manipulate you into staying at the bottom of the mountain with the children of Israel. The children of Israel wanted Moses to communicate with God for them and would not sanctify themselves in order to see Him and receive instruction directly from Him (see Doctrine and Covenants 84:23-27).

I pray for strength to continue to repent and live in His grace and mercy. I know He will bless us as we sincerely seek Him with a pure heart, loving Him and all of His children. I hold no malice nor hate for those that have misjudged me. I believe many of them sincerely felt and/or feel they were doing God’s will. If they continue on the path to God they will realize the error of their ways. I forgive them. I pray that I am worthy through the blood of the Lamb of God to reside with Father forever. Jesus is the Christ. He will come again shortly. Make straight the way of the Lord. Come to Zion for only those in Zion will not have to take up arms against their neighbor. The day is fast approaching which was foreseen by John, when we won’t be able to buy or sell without taking upon us the mark of the beast. Come to Zion. There is safety in Zion. It’s a spiritual and physical journey—the only one worth taking.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Church’s Stance on Vaccines

The faithful to the church follow the prophet no matter what. At what point are you willing to follow Jesus Christ?  This video clip of Dieter F. Uchtdorf clearly shows the church believes the mainstream media and their fact checkers. Every missionary that serves a foreign mission will be injected with the covid 19 vaccine. 

The Latin Bible and General Handbook

 We look back in history and see the priests of the Catholic Church preaching from the Latin Bible. This kept the people dependent upon the priests for light and knowledge. The sacrifices of faithful men and women brought about the Bible in English and that created a revolution as the people were able to read the Bible and interpret it for themselves. The Lord inspired these reformers to sacrifice everything to get the word of God into the hands and hearts of the people. 

Now the high priests of our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, are following a similar tactic as those who kept the Bible in Latin. They do this with the General Handbook.

For example, the current handbook cautions heavily against listening to conspiracies, however, Mormon was clear about the downfall of two great nations in the Book of Mormon and taught that there would be a great secret combination that would get above us and seek the overthrow of freedom in all nations (see Ether 8 and the entire Book of Mormon). 

He did this because the Lord showed us to him. He saw our day and wrote those things that were most pertinent to us. 

The recently revised handbook for the church clearly teaches us to be very cautious about conspiracies. It’s interesting that Mormon was not as concerned about caution in listening to conspiracy theories. His focus was on preserving agency and the whole purpose of our mortal existence, to become like God. Ezra Taft Benson taught that there is no conspiracy theory in the Book of Mormon, only conspiracy fact. It’s been removed from the current version of the Book of Mormon study guide for the institute. I took a photo of it and put it in my scriptures as a youth. 

Mormon was shown our day and that is why he spoke so clearly about the secret combinations, the conspiracies, that would get above us. Now the general handbook is fighting against Mormon’s compilation of prophetic warnings to us. 

Here is the handbook...


Seeking Information from Reliable Sources

In today’s world, information is easy to access and share. This can be a great blessing for those seeking to be educated and informed. However, many sources of information are unreliable and do not edify. Some sources seek to promote anger, contention, fear, or baseless conspiracy theories (see 3 Nephi 11:30; Mosiah 2:32). Therefore, it is important that Church members be wise as they seek truth.

Members of the Church should seek out and share only credible, reliable, and factual sources of information. They should avoid sources that are speculative or founded on rumor. The guidance of the Holy Ghost, along with careful study, can help members discern between truth and error (see Doctrine and Covenants 11:12; 45:57). In matters of doctrine and Church policy, the authoritative sources are the scriptures, the teachings of the living prophets, and the General Handbook.”

He that hath eyes to see and ears to hear...

Your eyes and ears change with experience. Veils of unbelief are revealed to ourselves as we come unto Christ. He is the true light Who reveals every hidden thing of darkness. 

The new Latin Bible is the General Handbook of Instruction for the church. It’s the new great method to keep the members of the organization dependent upon them and conforming to their cultural beliefs instead of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (I share what Jesus taught was the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ on a previous blog post: The fulness of the gospel is definitely not the words of committees creating new policies according to political correctness, some scriptures and maintaining 501C3 tax status. 

I remember many verses of scripture describing prophets thrown into fire, prison and dens because of standing up and teaching the truth. I don’t remember any of them being politically correct, doing those things that would keep them out of the line of fire. If I remember correctly, Jesus Christ (the way, the truth and the life), was so unpopular that His own people handed Him over to be nailed to a cross to be murdered. 

We must repent of our idolatry, holding up men as gods, and turn to the Lord, Jesus Christ. He cautioned His apostles about the last days. “whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived” (JS—Matthew 1:37).

The word of God may as well be written in Latin for those of us who don’t take the time to study it for ourselves. We remain in darkness and ignorance if we don’t search the words of those who spoke to God and received His words.

Joseph Smith Jr. said, “A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world, as evil spirits will have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the earth. Hence it needs revelation to assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God.
It’s interesting to note that Joseph Smith Jr. shared openly that He saw God and communed with Him regularly. He spoke clearly about the revelations He received from God for he had them written in the voice of the Lord. It wasn’t too sacred to share. All true prophets speak in the name of the Lord.