Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Liberty and other Thoughts on our Current Situation

Freedom and liberty is a precious thing to give away because of fear. Yes, viruses are real, but so is providing for your family, common sense and faith in God. I think many trust experts or news media more than God. The ironic thing is there are other experts out there, not on main stream media, that give other advice and other methods of prevention and healing that make way more sense and keep life going. It is clear there are way more agendas at work than keeping us healthy. If we can’t see that than I don’t know what to tell you. If we think the government hasn’t grown larger in scope and power than is necessary, than I don’t know what to tell you either. Actually, I would share the word of God with you. Then let’s talk.

The bill of rights was created to protect us from government overreach. The promise of safety and security at the loss of freedom has always been at the heart of satanic philosophy. We stepped off the ledge of safety and security when we chose to come to this earth. We risk making mistakes and sinning. We risk death and we may even die earlier than we expected. The beautiful news is that we have a Savior, even Jesus Christ, who conquers sin and death. What a beautiful time of year to remember the gifts Jesus gives us!

I may take some grief for writing this, even social shaming. It seems to be the way of the world, mocking from the great and spacious building, which lacks foundation. Jesus Christ is the foundation and faith in Him eliminates all fear. Jesus said, “whoso treasurereth up my word shall not be deceived.” There is a lot of deception going on and it will only get more and more layered and dark.

So, I’d suggest prayer and studying in the word of God as you decide what to do. I’d also suggest washing our hands, being kind and respectful of others and staying at home if it’s wise. Then I’d suggest finding other experts on the issues so you can have two sides or two viewpoints that you might be more informed. 

Remember that once liberty is lost, only blood will bring it back. I feel like quoting Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson here but I’ll give you the pleasure of looking up their quotes yourself. 

As always, God is the answer and has the answers.  

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