Monday, December 21, 2020

Cursings for False Beliefs and False Doctrine

I was in Alma today and pondering the false beliefs and teachings of King Lamoni and his father, the king of all the Lamanites. Lamoni’s father accused Lamoni of listening to and then helping a liar and how the cunning and lying of Ammon and his brethren would deceive their people. 

We all see through the paradigm we are taught by our family, church and culture. We choose what we believe but it can be hard to break down those barriers we believe are true. The Lamanites had covenant cursings that were being broken by Lamoni accepting the truth but his father initially fought against the light of truth because it was counter to their cultural teachings and practices. 

Brigham Young also led his people into a new culture with different doctrines, beliefs and practices than Joseph Smith had taught and practiced when he was on the earth. When we break covenants we enter into covenant cursings. The scriptures speak of cursings up to the 3rd and 4th generations. Now we are coming into the 3rd and 4th generation since Brigham’s teachings. Many are recognizing the truth of the gospel that is in contrast to Brigham’s teachings. Brigham taught:

1-blacks are cursed and cannot have priesthood power

2-Adam/God Theory

3-Blood atonement


5-Swearing by your throat

6-Top down leadership model of follow the leader no matter what

Brigham tried to attribute these things to Joseph Smith but as we study Joseph’s words and teachings we find that Joseph ordained Elijah Abel, a black man, to the priesthood and called him as a 70. He taught ours and Adam’s proper relationship to God. He taught that only Jesus Christ can redeem us. We cannot redeem ourselves by being killed to atone for our sins. As the Book of Mormon teaches, it could not be the sacrifice of a man that would redeem us. He was excommunicating members for practicing polygamy, plural marriage or spiritual wifery. He clearly taught the words of Jesus, that we should perform no oath to a man and definitely not a blood oath by our throat. (I have many citings in my previous posts to help you start your search to find out for yourself if this is true).

Joseph and the scriptures teach clearly of the damning effect of following a leader without receiving your own revelation that the dictates from that man or woman are in alignment with God. I have written extensively on this subject. Doctrine and Covenants 107 clearly points out that the upper quorums in the church are to check and balance each other but the church has evolved with Brigham instituting the top-down model. It becomes a test of faith to follow the leader who presides over you, then you are promoted and you promote those under you who follow you. The direction comes from the top and if you follow the one above you then you will eventually arrive at the top of the leadership model. This creates loyalty to man and not to God. If we are loyal to God then He gives us His power. He eventually calls us by His own voice, not by the voice of a man. JST Genesis 14:25-40 explains clearly how one receives the higher priesthood and the power associated with being chosen by God. 

In speaking of Melchizedek, the record states; “And thus, having been approved of God, he was ordained an high priest after the order of the covenant which God made with Enoch,​ ​​​28 ​​It being after the order of the Son of God; which order came, not by man, nor the will of man; neither by father nor mother; neither by beginning of days nor end of years; but of God;​ ​​​29 ​​And it was delivered unto men by the calling of his own voice, according to his own will, unto as many as believed on his name.” (JST Genesis 14:27-29). 

Any ordination or ordinance in the church should be a call to greater righteousness. It doesn’t mean you are chosen. Hence, many are called by few are chosen. You are chosen when God chooses you by His own voice. Blood relations or men’s errors in judgment don’t have any bearing on you being chosen an high priest after the order of the Son of God. He employeth no servant there (JST Genesis 14:27-29).

I added this last part because of the false beliefs and false traditions that have rooted into the church. Once we realize that we can have a personal relationship with God and He can call us without ecclesiastical authority, then we experience freedom in carrying out His word as His true disciples. 

Then the blessings of the fathers distill upon our souls, the promises made to the fathers are planted in our hearts and our only desire is to serve God and His children with clean hands and pure hearts, going forth in God’s power. 

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