Wednesday, August 18, 2021

LDS Church Apostasy


  1. Great list of scriptures Greg. Thanks for sharing those and your experiences & insights. I have always enjoyed Eric's perspective, so I'm glad he had you on.

    After watching this, I felt compelled to listen to all of your YouTubes on your channel, and noticed many similarities in our journeys of awakening.

    With the close of this month, I am content to have my temple recommend lapse for the first time since getting one as a 12 yr old deacon 30 years ago. I just can't be honest and truthful (question 9, right?) in answering question #4. Like you, I didn't come to this conclusion lightly or hastily, but I take heart that the Lord in his mercy has been guiding me along.

    Recently, my journey has taken a stop at, a group of like minds who help each other realize the full potential of Christ's doctrine, and more importantly seek to share with others. There definitely is something to the scripture that where 2 or 3 are gathered...

    Regardless, I wish you and your family a multitude of blessings. I sure do hope we cross paths at some point. All the best Greg!

    1. Thank you! Yes, God is guiding so many of us that are willing to hearken and obey Him, the one true God!

    2. Your youtube channel is set to not allow comments, so I will post here. Thanks for the suggestion to check out Denver's 10 talks - as I had many times heard his name used in derision - but had never gone to the horses mouth if you will. I just finished all 10 - wow! truly inspiring, and gives me much to think about as well!
