Monday, January 2, 2012

Hard Hearts, Symptom and Curses

Symptoms and Curses of a Hard Heart:
1. His word taken away (Hel. 13:8).
2. He will withdraw his Spirit from them (Hel. 13:8).
3. He will suffer them no longer and turn the hearts of their brethren against them (Hel. 13:8).
a. Be careful with this one. Job and Joseph Smith had horrible things happen to them where others said they were being cursed by God.
4. He will visit them w/ sword, famine, and pestilence (Hel. 13:9).
5. Those of the fourth generation shall visit your destruction (Hel. 13:10).
a. It is interesting that when the parents or a youth decide not to live the gospel because they harden their heart, then the spouse and children suffer too. Eventually the fourth generation is completely destroyed. In our day the second generation is completely cut off from the word and the ordinances of the gospel and are completely lost. The fourth generation degenerates into complete corruption and eventual destruction.
b. If we repent, the curse is taken from us (Hel. 13:11). This would be a child that sees the errors of the traditions of his/her fathers and turns to the Lord. The curse is then lifted and the repentant person receives all the blessings that have been taken away (Hel. 13:11).
6. Treasures hidden in the earth shall be lost (Hel. 13:18).
a. Notice that in this same verse, if a righteous man hides up treasures to the Lord, he will not lose them (Hel. 13:18).
b. I would assume that those that save up for retirement to use their funds to serve the Lord, then the Lord will bless them in these endeavors. Those that seek to spend their retirement in the luxuries and riches of the world may find their treasures are becoming slippery.
7. Others will mock those that are giving counsel from Heavenly Father (1 Nephi 1:19).

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