Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Polygamy Connection to Martyrdom of Smiths

 In light of the videos I posted about the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum, consider these historical documents. Stake President Marks has been mentioned in several historical citations as a witness to Joseph’s disdain for the evil teaching of polygamy. I had never read the entirety of these letters. This fit nicely into the documentaries shared on my last post. I know some struggle knowing what to think of Denver Snuffer so please set your reservations aside and consider these documents he has posted at face value, despite your hesitation to read anything he shares (by the way, I can understand that hesitancy for I had the same prejudice against him for many years):


  1. Doesn’t surprise me at all your quoting snuffer now. 🙄

    1. The letters are on his site. The letters are from President Marks, the stake president of nauvoo who had discussions with Joseph shortly before Joseph’s death. In the docs you’ll see the Joseph wanted Marks to excommunicate those practicing polygamy. Really confirming information to all that’s been brought to light about Joseph’s innocence and Brigham’s deceit. You’ll enjoy this.

    2. The only one deceived is you Greg.

  2. I’m so grateful to the Lord who told us how not to be deceived in the last days right before His coming. See JS—Matthew 24.

  3. Matthew 7:15 “Be aware of false prophets they come in sheeps clothing but inward they are Ravenous wolves” this teaching given by the master describes you perfectly!

    1. I’m sorry you feel that way brother. God will bless you if you are sincerely seeking Him.

    2. Travis, as a member of the stake presidency you should've learned by now the 11th article of faith which states,"we claim the privilege of worshiping the almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and ALLOW ALL MEN the same privelage, let them worship how, where, or what they may. It is clear from your comments to Greg you have forgotten this

    3. Well thank for that and congratulations on your calling! I have no problem with Greg worshipping how he pleases. I do have a struggle with him not worshipping and saying evil things about the lords anointed. Men called to serve and do the best they can. His blog says he’s a “witness for Christ” then do that and stop trying to destroy the church. No un hollowed can can stop the work from progressing and he won’t but I’ve also made a covenant to defend the kingdom of god. And I will do that!
