Sunday, December 25, 2022

Faithful Questions from an LDS Friend

Faithful Questions and Answers:

I had an LDS friend reach out to me recently with some questions. This happens often but sometimes I’m more willing to respond because I can sense they really are searching for answers to their questions.

I believe Joseph Smith was a good example of what it means to really be looking for an answer. He said, “My object in going to inquire of the Lord was to know which of all the sects was right, that I might know which to join” (RE JSH 1:5; JSH 1:3). When he went to the Lord, he asked which church was right that he might know which to join. This implies his willingness to act on the answer. He wasn’t content to just get an answer without any intent to act on the answer. 

I’ve asked for his permission to share this and he was happy for me to do so. After every question from him, I’ll paste my response. This was just a quick response. I could follow this blog post up with further resources but this is enough to get one started:

  1. The polygamy issue is rather fascinating. Given the church has long said that JS practiced polygamy, I hadn't ever heard that he didn't. I do see the statements you have posted stating that he did not. I found that rather interesting. Given his statements against it, he would have had to have said somewhere else that he had changed his mind or given a reason for doing one thing and saying another. Given that, have you or someone else disproven the claims that he did? There are obviously quite a few claims of him doing it from the church and those outside of it. Has someone gone through each individual person and disproven that he was ever married to them? I would be curious if that has been done, or if it's just based on statements of him condemning it. Did Emma ever acknowledge that he did or did not?

Here are some resources and sources but I’d add that an in depth study of the Temple Lot case, where the judge was determining which church should have property rights to the Independence, MO temple lot, is very helpful. The judge was determining if the Brigham group (LDS), Hedrikites (or something like that) or RLDS should have rights to the property. The judge's thought was the Book of Mormon would establish the teachings of Joseph Smith and then he could evaluate the church's claiming to be from Joseph. Whichever was teaching and practicing according to the book would be the church most in line with the church Joseph left behind and he could award them the temple lot in Independence, MO. The judge determined that the LDS group was NOT teaching according to the Book of Mormon. One reason was because the Book of Mormon preaches against polygamy (3x). The LDS group was led by Brigham at the time and so Brigham gathered many affidavits from women claiming to have been Joseph's wives. These were gathered decades after Joseph's death for the purpose of proving the LDS church in Utah, led by Brigham, was the church Joseph started. The RLDS were ultimately given the property, as the judge determined their church teachings were closest to what Joseph had taught. 

Here are some references as answers to your question regarding polygamy:

These first two resources are phenomenal. I didn’t know about them when I first started out on my journey reevaluating polygamy:

  1. If the LDS church was astray from the time of his death, do you believe the FLDS was initially the right church afterward or was there never any proper succession?

I believe the fullness was already taken when Joseph was on the earth as discussed in D&C 124. Here is a video and link to a blog that may help. I know the title is abrasive but hear it out:

A study of the gentiles and their prophesied falling away is important too. Here are a couple blog posts of some scriptures to get you started on that:

  1. What is supposed to happen now for the restoration? If Joseph was prophesied to bring about the restoration, what is supposed to happen if the church has gone astray? Is there supposed to be a new prophet or will things be restored when Christ returns?

An Elias will come, much like Joseph Smith, to dispense greater light and truth. That’s what a dispensation is, a time when the Lord reveals his true gospel to a servant commanded to share with the people. Every time a dispensation begins with a prophet hearing from the Lord to share the original gospel, that group has fallen into apostasy and then another servant/prophet is called upon to “dispense” light and truth again. Ie: Moses, John the Baptist and Jesus, Joseph Smith, and now. Right now my thinking is John the Beloved may be working closely with a servant. We can discuss who that servant may be later. After I had posted the blogs about the Restoration of All Things, I came across these 10 talks. The author has been slammed by the LDS church and so I was very hesitant to listen to what he had to say. Because of what I was taken through during my disfellowshipment, I realized the LDS church leadership doesn’t hesitate to lie about individuals to keep others from listening to them. So, I decided to listen and see what he had to say, from the horses mouth, so to speak. I think he does a great job in explaining what the gospel was Joseph was called upon by God to share and where the LDS church is today. I’d love to discuss your reaction to these talks:

Let’s discuss this more over the phone. 

  1. Is everything that has been done in the temples been for naught? Would it all have to be redone? 

Still studying temples and exactly what the Lord feels about them. I think the Old Testament temple and how Jesus reacted there is important to consider. Jesus’ tabernacle was his body. We are to prepare our tabernacles to receive the presence of the Lord in the flesh, in our tabernacles. 

  1. How do you deal with baptizing and such when it comes to authority? Did you and your family members all get re-baptized when you were out of the church? Sorry if that is too personal, just curious. : )  

Not too personal. I’m totally open. Much like Alma and Helam in the waters of Mormon, is how we received authority. Yes, a couple sons and myself have been rebaptized. Many early saints were baptized over and over even for healing. Lots in church history had multiple baptisms for themselves. Today the church frowns upon the practice. 

Here is a great talk on authority. I’ll tell you who the author is at the end. See what you think. I’d love to discuss:

  1. What do you do now as a primary mission of spreading the gospel? Do you focus on current members or just learning. 

I do focus on learning and sharing. That is why I have my videos and blog. I feel the LDS community needs to know the LDS church has strayed from Joseph’s original intent and message, even God’s original intent trough Joseph. They are even fighting against the teachings of the Book of Mormon. John the Baptist and Jesus told the Pharisees they had strayed from the gospel Moses restored. I’m not them but I feel the need to share that there is a sickness so others will look for a cure. I also want to share the Lord’s perspective on being redeemed from the fall and entering his presence or rest. I have several things about that. Here is one:

 Here is a video I did on the apostasy. A little blunt but I think it’s important to get it out there and let people decide for themselves:

I too am very disturbed (he shared some concerns he had with the stance of the church on some recent issues), well actually it is validating, to see the church’s stance on:


the poke, our associations with the UN and other globalist groups, the 2A decision…here are a couple things that shed light on fruits of LDS church. By their fruits ye shall know them:


Thank you,

Greg Hymas

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